Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Special Box "book"

I have seen "faux books" at several stores lately.  Michael's craft stores sells them.  The small one costs $11.  I also spied them at TJ Maxx for around $6.  However, I am usually not one to purchase something that I think I can make! 

I have been thinking about making one for a couple weeks now and finally gave it a go.  I keep a stash of cereal boxes on hand for craft projects.  They are the perfect thickness for so many crafts (this might be a topic in itself!) 

Here are the supplies.  I also used a hot glue gun and varous scrapbooking supplies.
First I taped the top and bottom closed.  Then, using an exacto knife I cut the front so that it opens.  Then, I cut two pieces (slightly larger than the front of the box) from and old Fed-Ex box.  These are to strengthen the front and back of the faux book.  I glued one to the front and the other to the back using a hot glue gun.  Using white glue I covered the entire thing with pages from and old book.  After it dried, I added embellishments, a ribbon for a closure and a button to cover the ribbon end.  This is the result:

I am not entirely satisfied with it, but it was just an experiment.  I'd like to make another using paper mache' over the cereal box.  Another time perhaps.

My daughter likes it.  She has several "special boxes" to store treasured momentos & memories; this will be perfect for that.

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