No excuses. I started this blog to share crafts and inspire creativity within myself and others. So, for my neglect of this blog, I sincerely apologize. I will try from this date forward to blog once per week. I think that's doable!
Now, to catch you up: Since we last visited with each other I have been busy with parties! We had two parties here at the house for my niece's kids. The first, a monkey party for her four year old son, Chris, and a princess party for the baby girl, Maddie.
In my last post I showed you the monkey pictures I was making for Chris' party. Let me show you a few pictures:
Here's the birthday boy. Notice the silly girl in the back? That's my youngest, Abbie. |
These are pictures of the family as monkeys that I painted. |
Fruit, cake, banana pudding and lots of bananas served. |
And, of course, you already saw these.... |
I am guilty again for not taking many pictures. :( Next up, the princess party!
Here's the princess, Maddie. She traded her crown for a hat and kicked off her princess heels...just as I would do. |
One area inside; I used cereal boxes to draw a castle, taped it to the mirror,....draped some banners, brought out all things pink. We had strawberry lemonade for refreshments. You probably can't see it, but the shoe I made from paper is sitting on the pink table. |
More pink, more banners,... |
I love writing on this chalkboard for special events. I made it out of an old cupboard door. I just painted it white, distressed it a little, then, painted the center black. You know, you don't have to use chalkboard paint for a chalkboard! I just use good ole acrylic craft paint. The trick is to "prime" the surface by gliding over the dry black painted area with the side of the chalk. Once covered, wipe with dry cloth. Done! |
The front porch. We used boas for banners and old sheets for tablecloths. |
I won't bore you with all the food pictures. Honestly, I hate food pictures because they never look as nice as real life. We used cupcake liners to load individual servings of Muddy Buddies. |
We served tea sandwiches of chicken salad, lots of cookies and goodies, and Maddie's favorite snack of pretzels and ranch dressing!
These were so much fun to do and I honestly irritate myself because I never think to take pictures of all the decorations when I'm making them. Next, our Halloween party!
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